Read about the quality forging equipment used to manufacture your orders at Missouri Forge Inc.
We use top-quality machines and keep them running flawlessly to avoid costly production stalls.
eight State-of-the-Art Programmable Die Forger Hammers
These hammers range from 8000 ft/lb to 23,000 ft/lb of available energy. They are controlled by PCs (programmable controllers), which regulate the number of blows and the blow intensity — resulting in forgings consistently produced to size.
Two 1,300-Ton Mechanical Forging Presses
These two forging presses allow Missouri Forge Inc. to be competitive in forgings that run more efficiently on presses. They are accurate and reliable
State-of-the-Art Induction Heaters on All Die Forgers & Presses
The modern induction heaters allow fast, accurate heat control. Heaters are equipped with over-temp rejection systems to ensure only properly heated bars are forged.
